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Channa Chaat

Channa Chaat is a humble vendor located in Sadiqabad. However, it offers an assortment of cultural snacks such as Gol Gappa, Channa Chaat, Dahi Balay,and everything is charged under RS=100/-. Pakistani food can be challenging to authenticate when it comes to replicating the taste of it. This particular vendor awakens homely taste buds that one is accustomed to since their childhood. Its main focus is not on presentation but when it comes to the quantity, quality and taste, it absolutely outstanding, plus one of the important thing that I have noticed about this place is that is totally hygienic, perfect precautions are opt when it comes to cleanliness. One thing they lack in is of the ambiance provided by this vender, it might be okay for an individual to eat there but when it comes to family gathering, it’s a no no! but take away is highly recommended. If you are looking for something that brings back your childhood memories, this is the place for you to go, would hopefully be a memorable experience.

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